
Dermaplaning, also known as “Epiblading” is a gentle method of deeply exfoliating the skin. Performed with a surgical blade which is worked gently and methodically over the face removing the outer layer of dead skin cells as well as fine vellus hair or “Peach Fuzz” leaving the skin super smooth, fuzz free, brighter and refreshed.

Our Dermaplaning Treatments are combined with a hydrating mask treatment for optimal hydration. There is no down time associated with dermaplaning and it is the perfect treatment pre Skin Peels to assist with better penetration of the Peel, as well as skincare product penetration. Another favourite combo is pairing Dermaplaning with our LED for superior.

It is great for prepping the skin prior to peels and creates the perfect canvas for makeup application and it increases the penetration of active ingredients.

  • Only the fine, soft ‘vellus’ hairs are treated with Dermaplaning, not coarser, thicker or hormonal hairs. And no it won’t cause hairs to grow back differently – peach fuzz will always be peach fuzz (cutting it cannot change the structure, texture or colour of the hair growth)


$149 includes customised mask to your skin’s condition and scalp massage

$80 add on to any other service

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